162 Stewart St. West, Vanderhoof, BC

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Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00AM–5:00PM

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    Game Console Repair

    We offer service and repair to game consoles. Essentially, a game console contains the same components found in any computer. If your game console has an issue or is in need of a repair, please contact us and see what we can do for you.

    Please see the service details below.

    Service Details

    How can we repair your game console?

    Factory Reset

    In some cases the firmware can become corrupted and cause disc read errors or OS boot issues. A factory reset can sometimes resolve this issue.

    Optical Drive Replacement

    Optical components can fail causing read errors on game discs. We can replace optical drives to restore functionality to your console.

    Hard Drive Upgrades

    Newer generation consoles have the ability to upgrade the hard drive. We can replace your drive if it has failed, or upgrade simply for more storage and performance.

    Screen Replacements

    We can replace screens on mobile game consoles such as the Nintendo DS series.

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